Google Forms Locked Mode Integration is Live!

Product Update

We’ve been working with Google to extend accessibility across Google tools and just finished integrations that give students access to Co:Writer and Snap&Read while taking a locked mode quiz in Google Forms.


With locked mode, teachers can eliminate distractions and restrict web searches while students take a quiz in Google Forms on their Chromebooks. (Yes, locked mode is currently only available on Chromebooks.)

Animated example of using Google locked mode on quizzes in Google forms

Co:Writer and Snap&Read are relied on by students across the country for high stakes testing (see Co:Writer Test Mode), and they’ll continue to have access when taking quizzes in Google Forms—even when locked.


If you have Co:Writer and Snap&Read, just make sure your extensions are up-to-date and students are logged into the extensions before launching their quizzes in locked mode. They won’t have access to the Options page or the login page once the quiz is launched.

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