6 Ways to Promote AT Awareness on April 6

by Mary Pembleton

6 Ways to Promote Assistive Technology Awareness

Assistive technology empowers people with disabilities to live, work, and play with greater levels of independence and achievement.

To give you an example, data suggests that students with high-incidence disabilities who have AT in high school graduate at a rate of 99.8%, compared to 79.6% for those without it.

“My students with Cerebral Palsy wouldn’t have been able to go to college or participate independently in classes without assistive technology tools,” says Kathy White, a retired AT specialist and current co-chair of the AT Forward Project for the state of Wisconsin.

“It made a huge difference in their mental health and their contributions to the workforce.”

It is for these reasons that any action to promote AT awareness is an action that supports people with disabilities.

Here are 6 ways to support people with disabilities on AT Awareness Day April 6, or any day of the year:

1. Share this Assistive Technology FAQ on social media.

2. Frame your beautiful face with one of these AT Awareness frames for social media.

3. Listen to these podcast episodes:

5. Watch and share a webinar or video:

6. Advocate for Assistive Technology in schools. In many states, ESSER funds are still available to support the purchase of assistive technology.

Celebrate AT AT Awareness Day