How to Use Data to Drive Student Reading Goals

For many students, classroom success isn't something that simply happens. Struggles with reading and comprehension can leave students lost on a subject and behind their fellow classmates. As frustration escalates, a lack of self-esteem and confidence can create further setbacks for a student's ability to comprehend the material. Fortunately, for both students and their teachers, … Continued

Google Forms Locked Mode Integration is Live!

We’ve been working with Google to extend accessibility across Google tools and just finished integrations that give students access to Co:Writer and Snap&Read while taking a locked mode quiz in Google Forms.   With locked mode, teachers can eliminate distractions and restrict web searches while students take a quiz in Google Forms on their Chromebooks. … Continued

The World—Finally—Is Getting More Accessible through Universal Design

Not long ago, home automation—much like any emerging technology—was inaccessibly expensive. It was reserved for either people with significant physical disabilities (through a medical model), or early adopters with mounds of disposable income. But that’s changed. All around us the world is becoming more accessible. Now a $50 lightbulb can be controlled by a smartphone … Continued

Word Prediction – What’s Good Enough

So, you’ve concluded that word prediction is an effective way to bridge the gap between thoughts and written expression. Now, how do you decide on a word prediction program? What are the distinguishing differences in word prediction programs? And further, what is good prediction worth? Would you ever compromise the quality of medical attention you … Continued

Why Writing Matters

“Ahhh, and that is what it is all about! First behaviors change and slowly beliefs change....this student is truly not only becoming a writer but also learning how to work through other emotional challenges... It is the mini-successes along the way that are celebrated to get to the big goals!” -Ruth Ziolkowski, President at Don … Continued

From Immigrant Student to Entrepreneur: How Learning Moved Osa Forward

Let’s begin with a scenario. You’re an American kid who’s choosing where to go for college. You’re intelligent and eager to learn, and you want to expand your horizons. U.S. schools are thereby out of the running. Somewhere international is best, but you’re looking for a place that still speaks English. After browsing schools in … Continued

Are you Ready for your Child’s IEP?

As a parent, you never stop advocating for your children whether they are 8 or 28. While you may have many great educators, friends, and therapists, you are ultimately “guiding the ship”— clearing the path for your child on their school and life journey. This role can be challenging, and one of the challenges you … Continued

We’re All Augmented and That’s Okay

Scenario: Let’s say you just went back in time 5,000 years. Sayonara to the robot vacuums, the smartphones, and the cars. And while we’re saying our goodbyes, let’s also bid adieu to eyeglasses, central heating and air conditioning, and indoor plumbing. Yikes.   What’s the point of sending you back in time? We wanted to … Continued

The Future of Education Starts with Seeing the Future

“Whenever a theory appears to you as the only possible one, take this as a sign that you have neither understood the theory nor the problem which it was intended to solve.” — Karl Popper     Imagine returning from a doctor’s visit. The diagnosis? Acid reflux. Your doctor recommended exercise, a more careful diet, … Continued

Five Technologies for Tomorrow’s Classrooms

Five Technologies for Tomorrow's ClassroomsBy Jason Kronewitter Advances in technology continue to reshape the world around us each and every day. The differences between how we lived 20 years ago and how we live today are staggering and nearly all driven by shifts in technology and how we use it. Nowhere is that shift more … Continued