Schools in the News: Collaborative Teams Create Learning Success

Educators from various academic backgrounds within the Colquitt County, GA school district are working together in 13 schools, a pre-K center, an alternative school, a Gifted Center, and a Pathways Program to support hundreds of students with disabilities. How is this district making systemic change to improve academic achievement? These educators collaborate across all departments … Continued

Teaching Words as Symbols Works for Students with Autism

After one semester, Daniel decided to take a risk and replace each picture symbol in his classroom with a word. After one semester, all the pictures were gone and in their place were words. Students recognized the words and their meaning and used word prediction to support their writing.  Download full case study (PDF) Keeping Students on … Continued

Teacher Leader Helps Student With Autism Find His Voice

Mrs. Wollak is featured in this video with her student Joey, age 15, who is diagnosed with autism. Mrs. Wollak said, “Many students with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) have visual memory as their strength. Last year Joey could read some sight words but had not learned how to decode unfamiliar words. He had difficulty comprehending what he … Continued