What would you do if you could learn anything?

 What would you do if you could learn anything? We asked some really interesting people what they needed to learn to do what they do (and what they continue to learn today). Along the way, we found out something remarkable. The things they needed to learn started when they were young but didn’t stop there. Learning to … Continued

Five Technologies for Tomorrow’s Classrooms

Five Technologies for Tomorrow's ClassroomsBy Jason Kronewitter Advances in technology continue to reshape the world around us each and every day. The differences between how we lived 20 years ago and how we live today are staggering and nearly all driven by shifts in technology and how we use it. Nowhere is that shift more … Continued

4 Tips to Help Students Slay Writer’s Block for Good

4 Tips to Help Students Slay Writer’s Block for Goodby Luke Trayser Let’s get one thing out of the way up front: Writer’s block is real.   Everyone runs into walls, from the greatest novelist down to students who can’t stand the mere thought of writing because they think they’re no good at it. Writer’s … Continued

Are You Using Google Tools the Smartest Way Possible?

Are You Using Google Tools the Smartest Way Possible? In decades past, educators had trouble properly implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. Sure, it would have been wonderful to offer multiple pathways of representation, expression, and engagement for each student, but there was simply not enough time in the day for it and never … Continued