To our valued Snap&Read and Co:Writer customers…

To anyone who has run a PAR or uPAR with a student who has lit up from the inside out when they’ve heard the results and discovered that decoding limitations do not, in fact, mean they don’t have the capacity to learn and understand. To those of you who became an educator because they themselves … Continued

Co:Writer and/or Snap&Read Customer FAQ

Why was the decision made to sunset Co:Writer and Snap&Read and integrate their features into Read&Write? Since Texthelp and Don Johnston came together as one team, our main goal has always been to give you - our customer - the best products and experience possible. Right from the start, customers were excited about our partnership … Continued

“Embrace dyslexia. Try to learn more about it.”

Kira Ziolkowski is a registered nurse in downtown Chicago, IL. “I love living in the city, and I love the people I work with,” she says. When Kira works with her patient’s families, she’s big on educating them about whatever is going on with their child. It’s wisdom she’s picked up along her own journey … Continued

5 Tips for Increasing Snap&Read and Co:Writer Use in Your District

If your school district only offers Snap&Read and Co:Writer to students with identified disabilities, it may be time to try a different way. Snap&Read and Co:Writer are reading and writing tools that support students with disabilities. But they can help students who don’t have identified disabilities too. These kinds of tools give struggling readers ways … Continued