5 Ways Snap&Read Supports Students with Dyslexia

For learners with dyslexia, assistive technology can make a world of difference. Take Ptahra Jeppe, Esq., for example. She may eye-read at a fourth grade level, but assistive technology tools played a key role supporting her throughout college which led to earning a law degree. Today, they make her job as a disability rights lawyer … Continued

6 Ways to Promote AT Awareness on April 6

Assistive technology empowers people with disabilities to live, work, and play with greater levels of independence and achievement. To give you an example, data suggests that students with high-incidence disabilities who have AT in high school graduate at a rate of 99.8%, compared to 79.6% for those without it. “My students with Cerebral Palsy wouldn’t … Continued

Assistive Technology: What it is, who needs it, & how to know

Assistive technology (AT) is a phrase you may or may not be familiar with, but you have probably used AT before. That’s because many tools that serve as assistive technology to people with disabilities are common features on our devices. Have you ever used speech-to-text to compose a text? To people without a disability, speech-to-text … Continued

How to help students with dysgraphia or messy handwriting: Seven strategies from an OT

Messy handwriting. Short, incomplete sentences. Undeveloped thoughts. Incomplete assignments. Shame and frustration. When a learner is challenged by writing, it can make everything about their educational experience a bit messy. And sometimes it’s hard to know how to help. Perhaps a specialist is called in. Perhaps there’s an IEP in place. Or perhaps a learner … Continued

Testing Accommodations—5 ways to help students “show what they know”

When assessment season rolls around, it brings with it many challenges. Not least among them is managing the logistics of testing accommodations for students with disabilities. Staff who are responsible for implementing testing accommodations must often contend with complex processes for accessing accommodations. These processes can be stressful for students and often add to their … Continued

Write, Use Vocabulary, Support Language Your 360 Degree Writing Toolkit

Co:Writer features that kickstart writing: Write Neuron™ Word Prediction Create a connection from the brain to the page with Co:Writer’s intuitive word prediction. When writing on a topic, Co:Writer automatically understands the topic area and offers topic-specific words and phase suggestions in a dynamic list. The more you write, the more accurate Co:Writer’s word predictions … Continued