The Case Against AT: Does accessibility even matter?

Human beings resist change. It’s not really our fault. We like what we’re used to; we mistrust new ideas, new ways of doing things. Basal ganglia in the primitive part of our brains are wired for routine, to feel safe and comfortable with what we already know, and makes us skeptical of the unfamiliar.   … Continued

PDFs in Google Classroom—Your Favorite Accessibility Tool for Reading Will Now Be Your Favorite Classroom Productivity Tool!

A good percentage of your instructional materials are probably PDFs, they are a reliable and usable staple of modern education. Whether you’re delivering instruction in person or virtually, eLearning tools and managing resources digitally is fundamental to any classroom scenario. While PDFs ensure the document you’ve created for your students will look exactly as you … Continued

Voice Typing Fails—How Co:Writer Speech Feedback Can Help

Most of us have been here. Sitting at a stoplight, or walking through a store, we ask our digital virtual assistant, whoever they may be, to text a friend or a loved one for us. And that virtual assistant totally minces your words. Perhaps these misunderstandings are cause for a laugh. Perhaps they present us … Continued

The View from 2025

A lot has been said about 2020, but what I think about is the view when we look back from 5-10 years in the future.   In many ways, 2020 illuminated the issues that were already present in our society and our educational system. The pandemic brought them to light and then accelerated them.   … Continued

OverDrive and Snap&Read—Millions of Free Digital Books Now Accessible

If access is an open door, accessibility is the design that leads people—regardless of age, physical impairment, or cognitive ability—through that door. And as a longstanding beacon of access, the public library often shows its community what accessibility should look like.   For both access and accessibility, OverDrive has been monumental. The ubiquitous online book … Continued

Making Your Learning Management System (LMS) More Accessible for Students with IEPs

Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas are large parts of student's school life now. Helping students with executive functioning difficulties work optimally within these platforms is vital to their success.  And that’s where accommodations like Co:Writer and Snap&Read add a tremendous amount of value. These tools work directly within the LMS and handle everything from writing … Continued

Supporting Assistive Technology (AT) at Home for Parents and Caregivers

Prolonged at-home learning is something that everyone was unceremoniously thrust into with a forceful shove. The disruption to daily routines, the school day, and home life is likely at the forefront of your mind. How could it not be? It’s a time of uncertainty, of unprecedented actions, and of life-impacting decisions for everyone. It’s also … Continued